Reviewing the Good and Bad Aspects and Trying to Remove the Bad ones so That They may Lead Towards a Perfect Educational Standard.

The School is Upgrated upto XII Class and is Recognised by the Education Deptartment with M.P.Govt.
Urdu and Taleem-e-Quraan are Compulsary Subjects for Muslim Students.
Remove Illetracy
The fisrt step is to Remove Illiteracy Amongst Women and Weaker Section.
Welcome to Anwar-Ul-Uloom
In 1974 it was felt to establish a society in township for the welfare of minorities and weaker sections hence Anwar-Ul-Uloom as social welfare society got established in township. A large number of schools are run by the various societies and BHEL management in the township, but there is no Urdu Primary School in the township to cater to the need of Urdu Speaking Population in Township. If we look at the educational system of Anwar-Ul-Uloom, we will be able to know its peculiar characteristics.
Quality Rather Than Quantity
By the grace of ALLAH, here Primacy is given to quality rather than quantity. The head, general manager, principal, and all teachers of Anwar-Ul-Uloom are doing their best to lead the to progress. The managing committee and the academic council always keep an eye on the system, review the good and bad aspects and try to remove the bad ones so that the may lead towards a perfect educational standard. Since 1974. Anwar-Ul-Uloom is principal and all the educational departments perform their concerned jobs under his headship and supervision.
Developing the Society as well as the Country
Keeping in view the importance that the education is very necessary to develope the society as well as the Country.
The first step was taken by our society to start a school in the BHEL township for the propagation of Urdu/Arabic, umpliftment of minorites, weaker sections and class to remove illitracy amongst women.

Plantation Activities Regularly Conducted By Anwar-Ul-Uloom School.
Teacher's Training
Teacher’s Training Program Conducted by Maulana Azad National Urdu University
Women Education
Classroom Program for Adult Women Education Under the Banner of Madhya Pradesh Madarsa Board
Mid-Day Meal
Mid-Day Meal Regularly Provided By Anwar-Ul-Uloom School.

In 1974 it was felt to establish a socity in township for the welware of Minorities and weaker sections hence Anwar-Ul-Uloom a social welfare society got established in township. A large number of school are run by the various societies and BHEL management in the township, but there is no Urdu Primary School in the township to cater to the need of Urdu Speaking Population in township. Bharat heavy Electicals Ltd. a Public Sector undertaking is situated in the capital of Madhaya Pradesh, 6 kms east of Bhopal city. infact BHEL is truly a mini-INDIA where of different Religion and culture working harmoniously to fullfill tha Nation’s aspiration.
A plot size 165×170 had been alloted by the BHEl management for the School building. The foundation of stone of the school building laid down by eminent scholars Maulana S.Abul Hasan Nadwi, Lucknow(Ali Miyan) in the year 1981. ten Clasroom have been completed. The roof, Floor work of two classrooms The Society has also proposed to construct a hall for cultural activities. the Plinth work has already been completed, further construction work is held up due to lack of funds. More funds are requested to complete the project for this BPL (Below Powerty Line) students. Donation are received from various sources for school building, tution fees, Uniform and mid day meal more funds are requested from generous doners.
Society is organising annual functions such as Jalsa-e-Seerat, Speech Competition Panting Competition for childrens Picnic and get together for integration & brotherhood.
Eminent Scholars Who Had Visited Anwar-Ul-Uloom
A number of eminent Scholars of international reputation hava visited on many occasions their name are: Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, Maulana Abdul Karim Parekh Nagpuri, Maulana Sayeed Ahmed Akbarabadi, Delhi. Maulana Taqui Amini Alig, Maulana Basheer Ahmed Alig, Janab Hashim Ali, Vice Chancellor of Muslim University, Aligarh and Maulana Salman Nadwi Lucknow.
Honorable Dr. Shankare Dayal Sharma President of INDIA had also visited the school & appreciated the activities.
School gives the Deene knowledge to Muslims students only(which is compulsary for them) and others gets the knowledge of social behaviour.
Anwar-Ul-Uloom aims at preparing such students who will be able to preach the true version of Islam, lead the Muslims to the right path and to take active part in serving the nation and the country as well.